1.  Hold the padded strap with one hand while using your free DOMINANT hand (that’s the one you write with) in the air to balance.
2.  Move your legs forward and squeeze with your lower body.  Relax the upper body.
3.  Watch the head of the mechanical bull to indicate directional changes and maintain balance.  Do not smile at your friends when the bull is moving.  Just watch the head of the mechanical bull.
4. Lean back when the bull head moves down and forward when the bull head moves upward.  A good operator will give you a chance to practice a bit before speeding up the mechanical bull.
5. If you are concerned at any time, say, “STOP,” or use an extended arm with flat hand, the international signal for “stop,” to communicate to the operator that you are ready for the ride to end.  You may want to make sure the operator knows the signal before you start.
Have a great time, ask your friends to take pictures.
Source: mechanicalbullassociation.com